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J.M. Hackman, Author of TRUE NORTH FICTIOn


Ever heard the phrase “true north?” It’s a direction based on the earth’s axis, not one based on a magnetic reading from a compass. Knowing true north is absolutely necessary for navigation.

But the phrase can also be used as a metaphor. Metaphorically speaking, true north is the true path of your journey, where you go, and who you become on the way there.  That’s why I call my stories True North Fiction. They’re stories about people on journeys, who learn their purpose in life and the courage it takes to get there.


I’m an author who loves thunderstorms, bookstores, and happy endings. I’ve never met a reading nook I didn’t like, and I prefer soul talk to small talk. When I’m not writing, reading, or crafting, I spend quality time with my greatest fans—my family.

I’ve written Spark, Flare, and Burn (the YA fantasy series the Firebrand Chronicles), and I’ve had my stories published in several anthologies (Encircled, Mythical Doorways, Tales of Ever After, and Realmscapes).

I spend my days writing stories, consuming massive quantities of dark chocolate, and looking for portals to other worlds in the mountains of Pennsylvania.

You can find me at www.jmhackman.com, www.facebook.com/jmhackman, or at www.instagram.com/jm_hackman_author.