Burn’s Release Day: Looking Back

I’d originally had another post for today– something about plotting vs. pantsing and how’d I’d used both for the Firebrand Chronicles, blah, blah, blah. 🙂

And it struck me that I didn’t want to talk about that much.  For the past two weeks, I’ve been looking back and thinking about when the Firebrand Chronicles journey started. I mean, I’ve finished a trilogy, but a part of me is still a little befuddled how that happened!

Humor me and let’s look back five years ago. At the front of it, 2015 looked a lot like other years before. After querying agents, and stalking, er, I mean, submitting to publishers, I had nothing to show for it except a nice, growing stack of rejections. So I did the only thing left–I reevaluated.

It sounded like this. “Well, I have a good life–a husband who loves me, two great kids, and we live in a rural neighborhood with a loving church nearby. I guess I don’t need to be published.”  And while all that was true, the need to write was still there. I couldn’t turn off the urge like a faucet, so I knew I’d still write if only to get the voices out of my head.

And that’s when things started to come together. I entered a contest that led to an award that led to a conference where I pitched Spark. (BTW, you should be entering contests! But that’s another post…) And here I am, five years later, with several anthologies containing my short stories and a finished trilogy. Phew!

Some might say it was my hard work paying off. While I’m certain hard work is part of it, it’s not ALL of it. Lots of writers work hard–we have to because the market is super-competitive. Part of it is about surrender, loosening a grip on a dream so Someone can shift it, manipulate it into something better. And part of it is also listening to that voice that tells you, this is what you’re put on earth to do, this is why you’re here.

I’m sure some people will read this and scrunch up their face, thinking, “Well, of course, she’d say that. She wrote and published a trilogy. What about me? What am I supposed to do?” I don’t know what your future holds. But I can give you three action items to improve your craft. I can’t promise these things will get you a contract or on the bestseller list, but I can promise they will help you be a better writer.

1) Finish the manuscript. Did you know 97% of people who write NEVER finish their manuscript? (That percentage stuns me every time.) You have to finish it to get it published, whether you go indie or traditional. Finish it so you can revise it, so it can be sent to an editor, or so you can move on to the next story. But keep working until you type “The End.”

2) Read. Read in your genre, outside your genre, anything and everything. You’ll learn what’s already been written, who did it well, and what’s trending. Knowing the published “landscape” is part of being a good writer.

3) Don’t give up. If you’re writing because you think it’s quick money, or because it’s easy, you can stop right now and take up underwater basket-weaving. It’s likely to make you more money and be easier than writing. But if you can’t give up writing, then keep going.  Don’t listen to the toxic naysayers. Instead, surround yourself with supporters, encouragers, those who love you, and want you to do well. Find a critique group, and learn as much as you can about writing.

I hope these tips help. I’ve grown and learned so much in these last five years, and I’m moving forward, still as much in love with writing as ever before. My next project (a Snow White retelling) is already “finished” although the plot holes need to be plugged. 🙂 For right now, I’ll let it simmer and enjoy Burn‘s release-day celebration!!!

Come join us Thursday night (8-10 PM) on Facebook for even more partying at the Burn Launch Party!